I think I might be depressed. I just really can't be happy for more than a few minutes. I want to so much, I'm taking simple things and making them hard. I'm making big deals out of little things. I have people who are finally starting to be happy again and I can't be happy for them. I'm being really selfish right now. I can't get over myself and just be glad that those individuals are doing well. I tell myself to get over it, I had myself a 10 minute cry in the bathroom this afternoon. I got over it. But once I was with those persons, I couldn't be happy. It was still fresh in my mind and I realized that maybe I just need a break for a bit. Even though that's the last thing I want to do. I want to be around them, to see their happy times, but I don't want to bring them down, as I know I would. I'm sorry, I'm very sorry.