Friday, July 22, 2005


I was reading The purpose driven life a while ago and today's chapter was about Thinking like a servant. I have no problem in serving others as well as God. It's just that at times I'd like to have some kind of help. There are times when I clean my house and when I'm finished what I get in return is what I didn't do right or to their standards. It's discouraging on one hand; and on the other it makes me want to try harder next time. The Bible says: "If someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasion to practice the servant life." Now there's where you have to swallow a lot of pride. I mean why would you want to help someone who doesn't even appreciate what your doing? Most of the time, I'm helping out for the right reasons. Occasionally I want that Thank you when I'm done but usually I'd rather do things for people without them really knowing it was me. I don't really want that thank you because I know they appreciate it. Well, most people. I look at certain people and think how can they be living that way, they're being so selfish right now. Don't get me wrong I'm selfish too, everyone is. But there's people I can't get over and just want to tell them what are you doing!? You just got new clothes, why do you need more?. Its so hard to let that stuff go because before I was like that, almost exactly like that and now I give a lot of my clothes away, I spend as much time giving to people because I like to think that when they see that something nice has been done for them they get a little lift in their day. I love that feeling you get when you know you've given something to someone who really needed it, and it always makes me say a thanks to God for giving me those opportunities. Paul said; "Who are you to criticize someone else's servant? The Lord will determine whether his servant has been successful" Those are hard words for me to accept. A part of me is just wanting to to tell those people, just think about someone else, help someone but I know they need to figure it out themselves. It sucks because I worry about my family constantly. They all believe in God, but that's as far as it goes. Their philosophy is; I believe in God, so that means I'm going to Heaven if I'm a good person. That's the way it should be accept, they're being good people according to THEIR standards, not God's. There's something I've been wondering about serving others. Is it alright to days for yourself? Are there days when you think I'd just like to take a long bath after the dishes and spend some time taking care of myself. Lately I've been doing the essential stuff. I get dressed I eat so I'm not hungry and then I go and do what needs to be done. I have showers of course, but I don't spend hours on my hair and make-up and I don't freak out when someone asks me to do something for them. So, the point of this whole thing is can we take time for ourselves, or do we never stop giving?


At 8:06 p.m. , Blogger Sacha said...

Erin- not really sure how I came across your blog, but I did: ) I just want to encourage you, because what you wrote about is something I have struggled with alot in the past (not to say that I don't any more). My mom is a quadrapeligic, which means that my sister and I took care of the house and family growing up. Now my sister is married and it is all up to me. I have often felt very discouraged at times because I won't get thanked for keeping the house clean or cooking dinner etc. I used to get farely upset about this because I felt unloved and unappreciated...but then God revealed to me that it isn't about how I feel. It is about what is true...Christ loves me and He is storing up treasures for me in heaven. So don't forget that it isn't about your feelings, just keep yourself focused on Christ!
And as to time spent on yourself. I don't think that it is wrong to pamper yourself every once in a while. It just isn't something that should be done in excess to where your outward appearence becomes an idol.
I hope that wasn't too long winded for you. I will be praying for you. A sister in Christ.

At 11:08 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

He commanded rest, Erin, because He knows we need down time. God set a model for us, resting on the seventh day. Jesus set another model for us, healing on the Sabbath. Both are true. Set aside times to rest, have quiet times for yourself and with God, but don't become rigid about it, or resentful, if someone needs your help during your "me time"


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