Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I'm having some trouble with Satan. The fact is, I have an insanely hard time believing in him. A harder time than before I believed in Jesus. It just doesn't seem right. -Aren't we the ones messing up? Not because someone was stalking us and trying to tie our shoes in knots so we fall? It just doesn't seem probable to me. Aren't I the one making the mistakes?
Because we are Christians is it fair to chalk it up to Satan whenever we mess up. I feel like when I was little. I didn't break the lamp....The devil did. He made me. Not that I think people can make anyone, do anything. We always have a choice. So I suppose its much better for me to say "he tempted me." I made the choice to listen to him however. I didn't have to. So how is it that you know when the devil is influencing your thoughts, or is it God. I know it might seem obvious to know the difference, but lets say that you have this great job, and your boss tells you, that do move up you need to move across the country. You go to consult God and you swear he keeps telling you not to go. But was that really God talking there? Or is Satan trying to keep us from our dreams. You could decide that's what happened. That you really should move. But then there's the wonder if, what if it God. What if the plane crashes that I'll be on? Or maybe when you arrive you find that your new position in work doesn't fit with your morals, that you have to compromise who you are to work in your now current conditions.
I guess my main question is; how do you who's who? Who's playing God and who's trying to ruin your life.


At 7:46 a.m. , Blogger Miss-buggy said...

Good question Erin. One I struggle with as well.
I remember the absolute fear when Phil switched jobs. Left the security and pay of one for less pay but now it is totally working out. He is treated well and is making more. Not sure if that is relevant.
I struggle with wondering if it was my thoughts, Satan's thoughts or God's. A lot of the time it is my own tapes that play over and over. Satan throws arrows at us to demobolize us. Sometimes God allows the test. I think that if it was that easy to distinguish the world would be so much different but it is hard to distinguish for so many people. Hmmmm...not sure what I am even getting at. You are right though. God gave us free will. I would think He would hope for us to make the right choices. I guess that is where the popular saying, what would Jesus do? comes into play.
This would definately be something I am going to have to research. Let me know what you figure out. We can discover it together down the same road. Sometimes don't you just wish that we could have the answers?

At 2:03 p.m. , Blogger Erin said...

I think right now, the only answer I have, is to follow what your heart says. Maybe God speaks best through our hearts, that gut feeling. So for now I guess I'm going with that. I'll have more on it later, if I ever figure this out. Maybe I could win a Nobel Prize if I do.

At 6:09 p.m. , Blogger brandermcdonald said...

hey Erin the Bible very clearly indicates who Satan is. but the bible says that "greater is He (Jesus) who is within you than he (satan) who is in the world. also that the battlefield is the mind... the bible also says that we need to "be renewed in our minds" by reading the Word of God... learning who our adversary is and how he has been defeated on the cross... blessings, bear

At 10:30 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i think that after u know what its like to have a great relation ship wiht god u will know when its god ot the devil...i think u will always get this funny feeling when something is wrong, and in some amazingly wierd way god will let u know wat he wants from u no metter wat.

At 10:31 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i think that after u know what its like to have a great relation ship wiht god u will know when its god ot the devil...i think u will always get this funny feeling when something is wrong, and in some amazingly wierd way god will let u know wat he wants from u no metter wat.


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