Sunday, August 14, 2005

God's finishing Touch

Ok so I haven't posted in a really long time, and the weird thing is, I wasn't gone anywhere so I really have no good excuse that I can think of. I decided a little while ago that I needed some time to try and figure a few things out about myself. I'm reading a book that Erin lent to me and it's amazing. It's called Captivating and I personally believe that every woman should read this book. Men could read it too I suppose, but they might be better off reading the one by the same author that was designed for men; Wild at heart. Anyways, this book I'm reading is all about a woman's soul and how God is just waiting to romance us. When I first read that part I felt a little embarrassed, I mean God is actually sitting up in heaven trying to woo me?

I read about the story of Adam and Eve. The part I like best is when we go in depth and it says that God did not finish his work with Adam but with Eve. Woman was God's finishing touch. They were both put on earth to be the image of God, but in different ways. Adam was the image of God's strength and powerfulness. Now in strong, they don't mean that every guy has to have rippling muscles and gorgeous abs. What they mean is the strength to never give up, to pursue and to be present and believe in the people they love. Eve was the image of God's beauty.The very essence of a woman is beauty. And in this we do not mean that women need to look like they belong in Hollywood, but that a tenderness and vulnerability comes out of them, a peaceful heart that makes that woman so alluring and inviting, and beautiful.

I've struggled with these facts, and that God is waiting for me to give him my whole hart so he may share his own with me. I don't really feel completely beautiful ( the way I have just described ) but its something I pray for, I pray for God's grace to flow from within me.


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