Tuesday, May 03, 2005


It was kinda blah today... As Jill would put it; "It's a throw-up day". It's just one of those days and it's like you know what? I really don't care. I was thinking about what Greg said yesterday about God and giving you a spiritual gift. I was trying to think of what mine is. A part of me wants to be like; Oh of course I know I'm good at doing this, or maybe that. But a different part is like what if that's not it. I know I have one, but I don't think I'd really like to say what I'm good at, it feels to me like I'm boasting about something, something that like Greg said, the glory should be given to God; for he gave this gift to you and can easily take it away... Alright well that's what I got from what he said anyways. Makes me think of when I was in elementary school, this one teacher I had and we would sit in a circle, at the beginning of each new term. And we would each have to say 3 things we liked about ourselves, and 3 things we needed to work on. Everyone always wanted to do the negative first. There's always so much more you can come up with that you suck a, then having to say; I think I'm pretty, or I think I'm good at math. And so on. We all hated that circle, the magic circle he called it. Good times, good times.

Had a blonde moment today. I was in the kitchen making a chicken peanut butter sandwich ( tastes a lot better than it sounds ) and I was looking round the chicken for the dark meat. Without really paying much attention I basically had my head in this dead bird, and it was gross, so I lift my head and say to my mom; " Man this thing smells like it's dead". I immediately was like; did I just say that. Anyways, gunna go, we all know it's a school night and gotta get some sleep.


At 9:32 a.m. , Blogger lori said...

the 'magic circle' sounds like one of those school things where i would have crossed my arms and refused to participate...i think forced intimacy sucks - expecially for a bunch of poor kids dealing with peer pressure...i'd whack that teacher (on the side of the head, not kill 'em!)

i laughed at your dead chicken story...and if you're wondering about what gifts you have, i can tell you this from reading your blogs. you have the ability to communicate - as well as i'm sure many more.

At 8:32 a.m. , Blogger Miss-buggy said...

there is actually a site online that you can go to that helps you to figure out what your spiritual gifts are....

At 8:35 a.m. , Blogger Miss-buggy said...

How's it going Erin?

At 10:59 p.m. , Blogger Erin said...

Havent posted in a while, just realized that. lol anyways yeah Im doing really good. Everythings starting to fall into place and ive been in good moods lately. Well at least today was awesome. Hapy belated Cinco de Mayo everyone!


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