Thursday, April 28, 2005

I love abstract art. I'm sure why but I can appreciate it so much better. The different colors that fact that it allows you to decide what you think it is. My cousin is a painter, amongst other things. There's a painting in my uncles house that I just love, because its a blown up picture of a river and its been blown up so much you can't tell what it is.My uncle being all philosphical, asked me what I thought it was. Me, being technical said; " It's a river, you can see the water, the rocks and the leaves." And he answered with; " That's not right. If you take the rock and leaves and put them together they look like an angel floating in heaven. That's my little girl in that picture." Talk about deep. I wonder if I'll ever be like that....


At 9:02 a.m. , Blogger lori said...

hmm. can't really see the angel either...but if your uncled does, great.

i love abstract art too, for the same reasons, soft abstract art tho' not the harsh anguished kind with people screaming, outlined in black...(not that there's anything 'wrong' that kind of art - i just don't appreciate it as well.)

At 6:01 p.m. , Blogger Erin said...

lol the painting in my blog is just a random picture. Not the one my uncle was talking about.

At 6:04 p.m. , Blogger Michael McMullen said...

I like abstract art, but sometimes it gets too pretentious for my liking. To many abstract artists try to put messages in their work, which is a waste of the message.

Since it's open to interpretation don't waste time hiding what your trying to say behind abstraction. Say what you want to say. If you want to make people think, then layer abstraction on all you want.

Now the river thing, that's pretty cool.

Sorry I rambled on, but you hit one my real passion, art. Oh, now I have to go paint something.

At 9:41 a.m. , Blogger Erin said...

Good to see I got you motivated:P


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