Tuesday, April 12, 2005


I can't concentrate. It feels as if I'm starting to slip away from everything that needs to be done. I'll get out of school, knowing what I need to do and then suddenly it's like as the wind picks up, and begins to blow, my thoughts on homework and other such things are gone and are replaced with bigger things to do. Is this right? Should I be concentrating on my work more since in the end I'll have to get a job and work to earn my living, or should I be more into searching for the rights answers. One of the biggest questions I have right now, or more like, something I just can't get my head around. I've grown up, I don't believe in Santa anymore or the toothfairy, and even the Easter bunny. Because I can't see God working and doing his thing in my life, how am I supposed to keep my faith so strong?
~God works in mysterious ways~ people tell me. What if you feel like he's not working on helping you at all? Does the faith just stay? Or does it slowly fade. Sometimes I feel mine fading into nothing. I look at people like Robin and Greg who are so stoked on talking about God and teaching others about him and I wonder, why can't I be like that? How hard is it to just believe.....
Here's just some random questions that have been bouncing round the o'l noggin:

Why does everything start to get hard, all at once
Can a person really ever change
Will I change
is God listening to my thoughts right now
How can so many people believe in something that no one can see
I can see the way God works for others, why can't I see what He's doing for me
Am I always going to be this way
By changing, am I making a new person out of myself, or is it more like a part of me has died and been born anew....Or could it be me lying to myself again, being something I'm not and hoping it's going to get me further in life.


At 11:04 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent questions, Erin.

You've been praying for change, often that prayer is followed by everything getting hard all at once.
We can't really change ourselves, but the Holy Spirit indwelling us will change us. So, if Jesus Christ is your Lord, you will change.
God is listening to your thoughts. We can only believe in what the Holy Spirit reveals to us, but we can pray for wisdom and renewed/increased faith.
I don't know if we're always meant to see what God is doing in us, that's part of what fellowship is for, God in us may be revealed more to the people around us. The more we read and study the Bible, the more we understand the ways of God and the more we recognize Him at work in our lives and the lives around us. Daily renewing our mind in His Word transforms our thoughts to be like His thoughts and we begin to understand what He's doing.
There are some patterns that take a long time to change, and God has created us in a certain way for a reason, some things will change, some may not.
I haven't met you, so this may sound funny, but when I read your blog, I see God in you. Faith can fade, but as we continue to seek God through times of confusion, darkness, unbelief, we will find Him, because He is there, closer than breath. Keep asking your questions, honey, He's listening, He loves your honesty, and He's right by your side.

At 10:15 a.m. , Blogger Miss-buggy said...

Connie is totally right Erin.

God hears all and sees all. He hears your thoughts and prayers. Having the Faith in Him is all we need to know he exists. He is always working. LIke at the picnic this past weekend I had the faith that it would not rain during it and GOd provided. It's simple things like that that remind us He is totally in control.
I struggled with the same questions and I still battle. I still have so many questions but at the same time just having the faith that I will get through with God is what keeps me going.
When it comes to worrying about a job or school one quote comes to mind. This is a quote that I try so hard to remember because I am one of the biggest worry warts you'd meet. I have gotten better though.
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own." Mt 6:34
"Each day God gives us the Grace for that day alone. You can make it, one day at a time." Barbara Johnson
God is there Erin. I know that you are a very wise person and I know that you do understand, I can just tell by your blogs and the person I have met. We all struggle and that is why GOd gives us these people in our lives, because we can't go through it alone.
I hope this all makes some sort of sense and I didn't trail too much.
God loves you we have the ultimate things to prove it. His grace, His love and His book. Sit and think about your life and you will see the little subtle, and even the big things He has done for you. I don't believe it was an accident we met. That was God. I am here for you.

At 9:51 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiiiiii Erin
You dont know me, and I dont know you, but I know who you are, and some of my friends are your friends, and I have no freaking clue how I got the link to your website but I did... and I read a few of these things.. and WOAH.. you really think alot... You're so smart and good at writting. Nice blog thingys! Cya.

At 3:57 p.m. , Blogger Erin said...

Thanks everyone, your really helping me alot.

- Anonymous person.... wanna tell me who you are?

At 5:51 p.m. , Blogger Miss-buggy said...

that is why I don't allow anonymous coments.....

At 6:09 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's wrong with an annonymous comment????
And you prolly don't know me.. I wouldn't know who you were if you weren't going out with Travis's brother, and if my friend didn't love you the way he does :P (not logan)...

At 7:56 p.m. , Blogger Erin said...

Man now I gotta know. damn I hate being curious. tell me who you are before it drives me insane!

At 8:51 p.m. , Blogger Michael McMullen said...

These are all questions I've asked myself. The answers? I don't know. What they were for me may not be the same as for you. But I will tell you this. Pray about it. Faith is the belief in things unseen. And as long as your asking if God is listening, then you have faith that God is there. That's the first step. The next step is up to you, but remember you're not taking it alone. Our faith isn't always easy. The questions you ask are very much like ones David asked in the Psalms. I would recommend you take some time and read those. And pray. And then pray again. And after that...pray some more.

Good luck to you. Don't be afraid to ask your friends for help.


At 12:59 a.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could tell you,
but even if I did I don't think you'd know who I was =P

At 10:33 a.m. , Blogger Erin said...

Okay well tell me anyways. Please

At 12:51 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im Ayla.
And if you're friends with Sharlene, any bad things you've heard her say about me are probably NOT true :D


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