Thursday, March 31, 2005


Terri Schiavo, the woman who sparked a major legal battle that reached all the way to the White House, was pronounced dead Thursday morning, 13 days after her feeding tube was removed.

I just couldn't believe it when I read it. Her parents were supposed to get an approval that day to have it re-inserted. What amazes me most, angers me morelike, is that the husband had the guardian ship over her, and not her parents. I mean these are her parents. No marriage can have more love and care than her own parents. While reading more on her story I find that the husband has a girl-friend at the moment, and not only that but 2 small children. -Obviously someone has moved on why would he want that kind of control over someone when he in fact was not fully committed. Reading about her slow death, starvation, not only makes me angry, but has in a way damaged my faith. How could God let that happen to her when there were so many opportunities for it to be turned around.


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