Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Interesting Day

Alright. So today wasn't totally useless. I made some progress. School as we all know is a complete waste of my time but I went through the motions today. Has anyone ever done that besides me? You just go through your day not really taking it in so you can get through to the part you like. Take today, all I wanted was to get till after school so I could finish all my homework and just sit and relax. I actually did it. I got home, did all my homework and here I am sitting in front of my computer.
Cooking was interesting today. We had to make eggs but the way she made scrambled just made you lose your appetite. So I did them the way I always do- MICROWAVE! So, 5 mins later I have perfect eggs while people next to me have the egss that look like they actually want to be put in the garbage, along with toast, catelope and grapefruit juice I'd say its the best breakfast/lunch I've had in a long time.
Have you ever been so sleep deprived that everything becomes a big joke to you? That's exactly what happens to me. Im so tired that everything just becomes insanely funny. Sometimes I'll just laugh out loud at something I was thinking, or worse; I'll laugh at absolutely nothing. I was sitting in wood work today and I saw a friend using a ruler. For no reason at all I thought it was hilarious and was laughing so hard my stomach bout tired eh?



At 7:54 a.m. , Blogger Erin said...

You know im cool dont deny it

At 12:26 p.m. , Blogger Miss-buggy said...

I was like that yesterday. I was so tired that I couldn't focus and I was laughing at everything. I am sure that I drove my friends nuts!!


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