Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Curse Of Being A Woman

Today could have been better. It started out with not having enough time to even have a shower since I woke up too late. I walked into school and as soon as I did I was praying for it to end as quickly as possible. I went through first block; gym and that didn't make my day any better; running around in circles getting a cramp and then the teacher saying "you can do it, I believe in you".....Sure you do, let's see you run for 10 minutes non stop after 4 days off, not doing anything cardio-vascular. Thinking that wasn't fair but it was the theme of my mood for today. Anything someone said annoyed me in some way, and even if I wasn't I used a tone with people that was rude and harsh it was as if I was watching myself saying these things saying to myself what are you doing?!? , the tone I was giving set it into a totally different approach of what I was trying to say.
Women blame their bad moods on "that time of the month" I've always hated doing that because it's not an excuse, people are in bad moods all the time. Today however I feel is an exception. I don't know what it was but with the "time of the month" ( sorry guys ) coming just around the corner maybe it would explain my behavior. It was as if I didn't want anyone to look at me I just wanted to be alone because I was just feeling like...crap inside and out. Hopefully tomorrow's better or else I'll have to continue hiding out in the library at lunch to avoid lashing out at any innocent people.


At 7:24 p.m. , Blogger Miss-buggy said...

I know where you are coming from....
I lashed out lately and then I took up trying to run. It feels better when I do. I just lashed out at got angry for NO REASON. And it wasn't even close to "that time of the month". I guess things build up too full and I was letting it explode. Sucks doesn't it?

At 7:29 p.m. , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Erin I am ur sis(daugh)and guess wat?I am writting a book would care to help me write suggestions and read it.it's about my life.When eva u get this tell me okidoki?

At 7:35 p.m. , Blogger lori said...

I'm with you, too. I blame it on the miserable pissy weather! I never take any responsibility for moods!


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