Thursday, June 23, 2005

How does He do it?

I'm afraid I might be turning this blog into non stop religious questions. That's alright though, I've got other things to talk about as well, but as I read the Bible, I just have more and more questions.

The one main thing from holding me back to fully believing in God is just that I don't know how He has the time for everyone in the world. There's just so much science that I've learnt in school that shows how things come to be, and I just wonder how did God know to do that, to make this happen? How does he help me everyday through my struggles with full attention and meanwhile help everyone else in the world who believe in Him as well...


At 2:54 p.m. , Blogger Jill said...

haha amazing eh? That's why he's perfect and we're not. I wonder that question everyday. lol.

At 8:54 a.m. , Blogger lori said...

hey erin, did you ever see that jim carrey movie where he plays god for awhile? (can't think of the name) the prayer requests come in on his computer...?

anyways, it's hilarious and full of truth.

i'm with jill. have NO IDEA how he does it either.

At 8:56 a.m. , Blogger Miss-buggy said...

Jim Carrey movie is called Bruce Almighty
Good question. I can't answer it. It is so amazing and that too is one of the many things that throw my mind into loops. I wonder it all the time too. How does He have time for little ol' me?

At 10:27 a.m. , Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, yeah, I used to be a Christian. It’s crazy though… you don’t have to be a Christian to believe in God. I just think it’s a little whimsical to believe that he helps us day to day with what we think are these colossal problems, you know what I mean? Especially individually. It's awesome that you're questioning, because you're right. It just doesn’t make any sense. We just came up with that idea of God because we don’t like to feel abandoned and yada yada yada… when it’s probably more promising to know that God is everything. It’s all connected. I wouldn’t believe in this “Christianese” adaptation of God until you’ve researched other denominations, religions, have read more books, and studied existentialism. Be smart in your spirituality, and don’t be lazy. Be hungry enough to look into everything to really find out what you believe… And don’t believe everything you’re told… there’s more to life than what people will tell you, and you can’t let yourself take it at face value. I encourage you to keep asking questions, and really do what feels right inside you… I think this is a really amazing quote from Buddha: “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."

And if we were to get real honest, we only really pray to the alters and gods of ourselves. Christians wouldn’t believe in God if they didn’t think he was sending them to Heaven. I sincerely doubt that they would believe in him if he didn’t promise them something better after this life. We’re self-interested, and that takes away from genuinely believing in something. You should think about that, and take it from there. What do you believe so deep down, and when there are no benefits to reap? That will be the core of you.

Remember to think critically, and to think for yourself. Not many people will tell you that.

Good luck in your spiritual extravaganza.

Oh yeah, and sorry for the novel, ha. =)

At 12:11 p.m. , Blogger Judith said...

Well that's why He is God in the first place.. No one can truly fathom His powers. That's why He is God! He surpasses human wisdom.
But to understand His ways more, He has left us the Bible because that's His words to us about Him.

With added questions you have for Him, add even more of your faith in Jesus and although you might doubt, trust Him completely and believe in His word. That will demonstrate your faith for Him and how much you really believe in Him.

Or, you can take it easy, and just leave the questions to Him :) It's simple.


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