Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Question. I was thinking about the whole religion thing. What if, if we believe in God, we will either go to Heaven or Hell. But for those who have other religions, wouldn't they go where they think their God has intended them to? And for the non- believers, wouldn't they become the souls that wander amongst the earth?
-Just a thought.


At 3:41 p.m. , Blogger Jill said...

What I believe:
There's only one true religion. It's harsh how that doesn't work out for the other people but yeah that's how it is. Who ever truely believes in the father, the son and the holy spirit will go to heaven. I use the word truely because some people just "say" they do. I think you know what I mean anyways. I don't really know if I'm completely correct but that's what I believe anyways.

At 10:15 a.m. , Blogger Erin said...

Doesnt it say in the Bible, that the chritian belief honors other religions as their own and doesnt say we are the only right one? Unlike the catholics?

At 6:33 p.m. , Blogger Jill said...

True, it does say that we honour the other religions. Catholics worship in a similar way we do, same thing with menonites or baptists, etc. Unfortunately, I don't know everything about this subject so I'd ask someone like Erin E.


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